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It is a pleasure to introduce to you the 22nd edition of Today’s Accountant magazine. The magazine is a CPAs’ platform for knowledge and experience sharing, and in this edition we discuss how CPAs can remain relevant to the organisations and economies that they serve, in spite of the present circumstances.

The pandemic rages on, but we cannot afford to give in to its wrath. We continue to soldier on, innovating new ways of serving our clients, organisations, and the nation. It is indeed commendable how accountants have displayed agility by employing technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, big data, and blockchain, among others, in order to ensure uninterrupted service to their clients.

Commonly referred to as strategic advisors of businesses and the economy, the role of the accountant is critical, now, more than ever. As businesses grapple with low demand, disruptions in the supply chain, and dwindling revenues, and with some of them on the verge of bankruptcy, accountants must demonstrate their relevance through measures such as budgetary control, reallocation of resources to priority areas, cost management, risk management, cashflow management, and sustainability, among others.

Therefore, continuous learning is key for accountants. Accountants need to embrace as many learning opportunities as possible, so that they sharpen their knowledge and skills. It is through this that accountants will remain relevant.

In this edition, we tackle digital skills for accounts, performance management, debt management, IFRS updates, and the successes of EFRIS implementation, among others. Also read about CPA Doreen Rwakatungu Musiime’s profile, in which she unpacks internal audit indepth. In this edition, we also share COVID-19 experiences from the recoveries.

I hope that you will find the magazine informative and insightful.

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