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The mandatory shutdown of non-essential businesses and supply chain disruptions caused by COVID-19 are taking a toll on the activities carried out by cooperatives. These institutions are crucial providers of financial services to households and small and medium-sized enterprises as well as general membership. Cooperatives must also sustain their incomes for the long haul.

The webinar will highlight current and emerging developments in the sector regarding governance, financial, legal and compliance areas for a sustainable cooperative.


By the end of the training, participants should be able to:

  • Identify current and emerging governance issues in cooperatives.
  • Develop understanding of the financial reporting considerations for cooperatives
  • Identify and manage signs of stress on cooperative operations due to COVID-19.
  • Comply with legal and other regulatory requirements.
  • Develop understanding of building a sustainable cooperative.

CPD Hours:

Participants will be awarded 2 hours of CPD upon full time attendance.

Fees & Registration

Members & Students in good standing: UGX 30,000

Non Members & Members not in good standing: UGX 35,000

Event Date
Online Zoom Webinar