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Creation of the Awards categories is dependent on the nature of participating organisations. The following are some of the awards categories but these are subject to modification through creation or more categories.

(1) Financial Reporting Awards in the following categories:
•    Banking Services;
•    Insurance Services;
•    Regulatory Bodies;
•    Non Governmental Organisations;
•    Public Sector;
•    Consumer and Industrial Products;
•    Micro-Finance Institutions and SACCOs;
•    Educational Services;
•    Small and Medium-Sized Entities; and
•    Forex Bureaux.

(2) Special Awards for:

•    Excellence in Corporate Governance Reporting;
•    Excellence in Sustainability Reporting;
•    Excellence in Presentation and Communication;
•    The Most Improved Report; and 
•    Listed Entities.

(3) Report of the Year Award: 
•    Gold;
•    Silver; and 
•    Bronze.