2023 FiRe Awards 6 November 2023 / Comments Submitted by admin on 6 November 2023 Stanbic Uganda Holdings Limited won the 2023 Gold Award. Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Thomas Tayebwa (7th Left) was the Chief Guest. 3rd Left is ICPAU president CPA Josephine Ossiya. They also won the Corporate Governance Award. Centenary Rural Development Group Limited emerges as the Commercial Banks category winner at the 2023 FiRe Awards. Former ICPAU President, CPA Constant Othieno Mayende (Left), honors Child's Foundation with the 2023 Reporting Under the IFRS for SMEs category. Makerere University Retirement Benefits Scheme celebrates its victory in the Retirement Benefits category. ICPAU's President(5thright) presents NSSF with the 2023 Silver Award. NSSF also won the Sustainability Reporting Award and the Presentation and Communication Award. Post Bank Uganda Limited won with the 2023 Bronze Award. SNV Netherlands Development Organization Limited shines with the 2023 Reporting under IPSAS Award, presented by former ICPAU President, CPA Constant Othieno Mayende (Left). Theu also won the Non-Profit Organisation Award category. Steadfin Uganda SACCO claims the top spot with the 2023 Cooperative Societies Award. UAP Old Mutual Insurance (U) Limited secures the 2023 Most Improved Report Award, presented by former ICPAU President, CPA Constant Othieno Mayende (Left). Umeme Limited Team clinches the prestigious 2023 Best Listed Entity Award. UMEME Limited also won the Consumer and Industrial Products Award Category. 7th ICPAU President, CPA Protazio Begumisa (Left), hands over the 2023 Other Insurance Service Award to Willis Towers Watson Uganda Insurance Brokers. Caption -Uganda Insurers Association won 1st Runner Up in the Regulatory Bodies & Associations Category of the 2023 FiRe Awards.( Left) is Mr. Keith Kalyegira, CEO CMA handing over the award.