This three-day course provides a rigorous and detailed overview of all major technical IFRS requirements, and includes illustrative financial statements, case studies, examples, coverage of the most significant IFRSs, and interactive participation from the participants.
CPD Hours:
There are holders of FAQs who did not take advantage of the moratorium to apply
for ICPAU membership. Many had completed their FAQs but had not gained membership to enable them apply for ICPAU members. At that time, ICPAU was only admitting members of specified PAOs.
The seminar will handle aspects of key contents of a compliant and acceptable financial report, insights into financial management, Risk and control and taxation updates.
CPD Hours
The forum will discuss economic policy issues for consideration by the authorities and policy makers.
CPD Hours:
Participants will be awarded 21 hours of CPD upon full time attendance, both days inclusive.
The webinar will discuss the measures being taken by governance to support the economic recovery. By the end of the training, participants will be able to develop a deeper understanding of the national budget tax implications.
CPD Hours:
Tuition providers are expected to apply a wide range of professional teaching methods to facilitate the learning process in the initial professional development of an accounting student. This course will involve practical pedagogical approaches to empower tutors of the CPA course in effective teaching and learning of a future ready CPA.
CPD Hours: 7
Personal financial planning is crucial for ensuring a secure future. It helps protect against unexpected financial challenges, providing peace of mind.
The webinar will challenge participants’ mindsets and provoke discussion on the need for greater professional scepticism, to help reduce the risk of economic crime, and in particular, money laundering.
The forum will prepare the Board, Chief Executive Officers and Chief Finance Officers to strategically drive organisational growth and deliver sustainable entities.