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Corporate Reporting Webinar

There is increasing demand for entities to report beyond figures. The webinar will look at
financial and non-financial disclosures.
CPD Hours:
Participants will be awarded 4 hours of CPD upon full time attendance.
Fees & Registration
Members & Students without arrears: UGX 35,000
Non-Members & Members with arrears: UGX 40,000

Women in Accountancy Forum

Women, as professionals, entrepreneurs, leaders, employees and mothers, are an integral part
of our economy. Creating opportunities for broader participation of women in the economy is a
critical driver for women empowerment.
In this webinar, we will focus on women empowerment by exploring available investment
CPD Hours:
Participants will be awarded 2 hours of CPD upon full time attendance.
Fees & Registration
Attendance is free for all

West Nile Regional CPD Seminar

The seminar will handle aspects of key contents of a compliant and acceptable financial
report, insights into financial management, Risk and control and taxation updates.
CPD Hours:
Participants will be awarded 7 hours of CPD upon full time attendance.
Members & Students without arrears: UGX 150,000
Non-Members & Members with arrears: UGX 160,000

Enterprise Risk Management Webinar

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) webinar is a practical hands-on training designed for
managers, professionals, consultants, internal and external auditors that deal with the
complexities of enterprise-wide risk management function on a daily basis.
CPD Hours:
Participants will be awarded 2 hours of CPD upon full time attendance.
Fees & Registration
Members & Students without arrears: UGX 35,000
Non-Members & Members with arrears: UGX 40,000

Cooperatives Webinar

Appropriate governance and compliant financial reporting are key to the cooperative’s
CPD Hours:
Participants will be awarded 2 hours of CPD upon full time attendance.
Fees & Registration
Members & Students without arrears: UGX 35,000
Non-Members & Members with arrears: UGX 40,000

29th Annual Seminar

This is an annual event that brings together accountants and other professionals from the
different sectors of the economy to discuss and share their thoughts on issues pertaining to the
profession, personal development and available networking opportunities. The event therefore
brings together a collection of distinguished speakers with diverse experience and backgrounds
to share their views on topical issues relating to the accountancy profession, personal being and

Internal Auditors Forum

Internal Audit continues to play a key role in organisational sustainability through supporting
organisational strategy and transformation.
CPD Hours:
Participants will be awarded 3 hours of CPD upon full time attendance.
Fees & Registration
Attendance is free for all members and students

Blockchain Technology Webinar

Blockchain is the most significant innovation in accounting technology since the invention of
double-entry bookkeeping. The webinar will share knowledge to participants to embrace the
technology revolution in the making.
CPD Hours:
Participants will be awarded 2 hours of CPD upon full time attendance.
Fees & Registration
Members & Students without arrears: UGX 35,000
Non-Members & Members with arrears: UGX 40,000

Anti-Money Laundering Webinar

Following the establishment of the Standards for the Regulation and Monitoring of Virtual Assets
(VA) and Virtual Assets Service Providers (VASPs) by FATF, the Government of Uganda amended
the AML/CFT legal framework to accommodate the new Standards.
The webinar will challenge participants’ mindsets and provoke discussion on the need for greater
professional scepticism, to help reduce the risk of economic crime, and in particular, money


This three-day IFRS webinar provides a rigorous and detailed overview of all major technical
IFRS requirements, and includes illustrative financial statements, case studies, examples,
coverage of the most significant IFRSs, and interactive participation from the participants.
CPD Hours:
Participants will be awarded 8 hours of CPD upon full-time attendance.
Members & Students without arrears: UGX 180,000
Non-Members & Members with arrears: UGX 190,000